Today my sister called to tell me that a friend of hers was selling an iPod touch. I bought it and am actually posting this from it. Epic win!
About Me
Wyatt Fuller
I am married to the greatest woman in the world and we have two perfect children. I write code for a living and I'm a stay at home Dad & I couldn't be happier. I collect old video games and anything with Star Wars on it.
- My Tweets
From the WordPress app?
Other applications you need to get (most are free):
Flickr – browser photos from your contacts in-app. If you take screenshots on your iPod touch (hold home + power button at the same time, screen should blink when taking a screenshot), you can easily upload them to Flickr.
Air Mouse – use the iPod touch (or iPhone) as a mouse/media controller on any computer on your wifi network. All it requires is a simple helper/server app to run on the machine being controlled.
Bump – Share photos/contact details with other Bump users.
NetNewsWire – Works great with Google Reader. Free and Pro (ad-free) version available.